Records management practices at Kyenjojo district local government
The study sought to examine Records Management (RM) practices at Kyenjojo District Local (DLG) Governments. The objectives of this study were 1) To examine the records management systems used in Kyenjojo district local government;2) To examine records management practices in Kyenjojo district local government; and 3) To propose effective measures/strategies for effective records management practices in Kyenjojo District local government. The study used descriptive research design because it provided a framework for interpreting the variables of the study. It constituted of 106respondents and used interviews and questionnaires to collect data. The study concentrated on primary and secondary sources of data. Quantitative data was analysed using SPSS that helped to generate descriptive statistics inform of frequencies and percentages that constituted presentation and discussion. Qualitative data was analysed suing thematic approach where themes and sub themes were formed basing on study objectives and responses from interview reported verbatim. The results indicated that there are record management practices and systems at Kyenjojo district local government. It was further observed that there are factors that affect effective records management including resources and management factors. It was recommended that the district adopts a records management policy, train its staff on basic records management practices, adopts a records preservation plan, revive the records office and to appraise and dispose records regularly and systematically. The research concluded that Kyenjojo District Local Government has worked seriously on records management problems though the safety and security of records is a challenge to personnel in-charge of record.