An assessment of community policing strategies to peace building efforts in Uganda: a case study of Kawempe Division, Kampala District.
The study evaluates the Community Policing Strategy’s effectiveness in realizing outcomes
envisaged by its architects. The introduction of the Community Policing Strategy in the Uganda
Police was not only aimed at promoting good relationship between the Police and the community,
bridging the gap or enlisting increased citizen’s participation but also ensuring that any community
policing interventions resulted in more harmonious relations within the community, more law and
order, more peace and less crime and social disorder. Quantitative and qualitative data collection
methods were used to collect data from 386 respondents of Kawempe Policing Division in
Kampala. Twenty-three key informants, including some police officers from Kawempe Division
and the Police headquarters, some members from civil society organizations and local council
officials were among the key informants interviewed. There was evidence from reports,
respondents’ views, key informants and literature reviewed showing that the Strategy had
positively contributed to the peace building process, although there was noticeable high mistrust
levels, low public confidence in the Police and a high number of people believing that the
intervention was not working well. The Qualitative and Qualitative responses gathered, and the
literature reviewed which revealed that the Police’s own transgressions in failing to walk the talk,
engage the community, conduct investigations properly, and respond to and resolve complaints
against the institution promptly, continue to overshadow many of the would-be positive
outcomes. The study found out that even where the strategy has had positive impact, the
interventions have been slow, isolated and sometimes cosmetic. Government ought to
strengthening oversight mechanisms or safeguards to motivate or compel members of the force to
act more professionally have effective program monitoring and evaluations mechanisms, an
independent police oversight body and prioritize resource allocation and utilization.