Impact of catechesis in schools on christian growth of the people of Lacor parish in light of catechesi tradendae
The general objective of this study was ‘the Impact of Catechesis in schools on Christian Growth of the people of Lacor Parish Gulu Archdiocese in light of Catechesis Tradendae.’ The specific objectives of this study were, ‘to find out whether catechesis is taken seriously in schools’, ‘to find out the link between catechesis in schools and Christian growth’, and to find out the reason why some people are not deeply rooted in the catholic faith.’ The research design we used are as follows. We formulated the following hypotheses to establish the relationships: Catechesis is taken seriously in schools within Lacor Parish. There is a link between catechesis in schools and Christian growth. Finally, why some people are not deeply rooted in the Catholic faith. Both descriptive and analytical design were used. Two hundred people (200) took part in the study through simple random sampling. The study was a case study and the geographical area of the was Lacor Parish, Gulu Archdiocese. The data collection instruments were mainly questionnaire and observation. The data collected from the respondence were coded and displayed in tables and charts. The findings were as follows; Catechesis needs to be given priority at all levels of learning in the different institutions. Many institutions have not yet embraced the practice of teaching religion. There is very limited or even no time at all being given for the catechism in the various institutions of learning. Concerning the link between catechesis in schools and Christian Growth, It seems the Church is a little bit reluctant on evangelization in the institutions of learning, and because of this, she is losing a variety of benefits that accrue from catechesis in the schools. About the issue of why some people are not deeply rooted in the Catholic Faith, It is evident that many people are not deeply rooted in the Catholic faith due to the negligence by the Church on her mission to evangelize. The learners are so vulnerable in life, if they are not considered as a special group for evangelization; they are bound to make mistakes. Basing on my study findings, catechesis is not taken seriously in schools. Sadly, in places where the practice of catechesis in schools is fairly practiced, many students do not take it seriously. According to CT, catechesis refers to the whole of the efforts within the Church to make disciples, to help people to believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and to educate and instruct them in this life and thus build up the Body of Christ. (CT, no.1). This requires a tireless effort by all to make disciples. Catechesis in schools would greatly contribute towards building up the body of Christ. Much as the Church is doing her best to catechize, the concentration of catechesis in institutions of learning is still lacking. More effort needs to be made so that learners can appreciate the values of the catholic faith. There is need to have full time chaplains in the schools, make priests part of the teaching stuff in the schools with the primary duty to catechize. This will have greater impact on Christian growth since catechesis and matters of faith appeals to the heart of individuals. The views and suggestions of this study if considered would modify and intensify catechesis in schools so that proper doctrines of the Church is instilled in the life of the people for their own Christian growth and the good of the Church.