Now showing items 60-79 of 246

      Development of a Long-range technology based power theft monitoring and control system. [1]
      Development of a mobile application to evaluate carbon footprints in industries [1]
      Development of a proposed driver training curriculum for driving schools in Uganda [1]
      Development of a sustainable low-carbon footprint for the greater Kampala Metropolitan area towards the Mid-Century. [1]
      Development of a synchronous sequential logic iLab [1]
      Development of a Total Quality Management Framework for the Downstream Petroleum Industry in Uganda [1]
      Development of a university based business incubation model for CEDAT [1]
      Development of a Water Leakage Detection and Control System Using Long Range Technology. [1]
      Development of a web based maintenance management system at Uganda Air Force College Workshop [1]
      Development of an electronic waste management framework for college of engineering, design, art, and technology. [1]
      Development of an HVAC design model for commercial buildings in Kampala city, Uganda. [1]
      Development of an information management system in Oncology [1]
      Development of an information system for tracking temperature of vaccine samples [1]
      Development of an Integrated Energy Recovery System for Productive Biogas Applications in Uganda [1]
      Development of an Interactive Remote iLab for a Wind Energy System [1]
      Development of composite briquettes using cassava rhizomes and groundnut stalks for domestic cooking [1]
      Development of multi-attribute compliance rating tool in occupational safety and health for steel manufacturing in Uganda [1]
      Development of sustainable framework models for private sector investments in renewable energy mini-grids [1]
      Development of trip generation and attraction mdels For Hotel Facilities in Kampala [1]
      Development of vehicle computerized maintenance management system [1]