Now showing items 4-23 of 67

      Ambivalence surrounding elderly widows’ sexuality in urban Uganda. [1]
      Are HIV unaware persons the hidden population at high risk of HIV infection or re-infection in Uganda [1]
      Attendance patterns and causes of dropout in primary schools in Uganda: a case study of 16 schools [1]
      Attitudes to voluntary counselling and testing for HIV among pregnant women in rural South-west Uganda. [1]
      Beyond ethnic patriotism: A comparative study of Toro and Kigezi Districts in Uganda [1]
      Beyond Nuremberg: The historical significance of the post-apartheid transition in South Africa. [1]
      Beyond Religio-Cultural Violence: A Historico-Political Re-contextualization of the Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God [1]
      Breastfeeding practices and attitudes relevant to the vertical transmission of HIV in rural South-west Uganda. [1]
      Bumsters, big black organs and old white gold: Embodied racial myths in sexual relationships of Gambian beach boys. [1]
      Catalyst, nature, and vitality of African Canadian feminism: a panorama of an emigre feminist [1]
      Challenges to the realisation of the right to adequate food in post-war Uganda: A case study of Otuke District [1]
      Challenges to the realisation of the right to adequate food in post-war Uganda: A case study of Otuke District [1]
      Climate change perceptions, adaptation and mitigation strategies of livestock farmers in the Teso region Uganda [1]
      Colonial policy [1]
      Community Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Related to Female Genital Cutting (FGC) in Kapchorwa District [1]
      Contemporary myths, sexuality misconceptions, information sources, and risk perceptions of Bodaboda men in Southwest Uganda. [1]
      Crisis in Kabale District: a case study for food policy reforms [1]
      Culture and Gender-Related Factors Predicting HIV-Risk Sexual Behaviors [1]
      Customary resistance to marketization of land: Lango clans in Northern Uganda [1]
      Developing sustainable agriculture in Africa: main challenges for small farmers in Uganda [1]