Organizational climate, organizational social capital, competences, empowerment and commitment to Results-Oriented Management (ROM) in the Ministry of Works and Transport
The main objective of the study was to examine the relationship between organizational climate, employee competences, organizational social capital, empowerment and commitment to Results Oriented Management (ROM) the ministry of Works and Transport. I developed a conceptual framework, in which the above variables were linked and relationships developed to enable review of literature.
A cross sectional survey was carried out in which mainly quantitative data was collected on all the variables. More precisely, using a target sample of 200 respondents I randomly selected the respondents and received a response rate of 105 (52.5%) which was used as a basis of analysis.
According to the results of the study, there was a significant correlation between organizational climate and empowerment, organizational social capital and empowerment and empowerment and commitment except for empowerment and competences. Testing the strength of the relationship indicated that all the variables predict 29% of the variance in commitment to ROM.
The data collected further revealed that organizational social capital independently predicted commitment to ROM in the ministry (Sig 0.00, t = 4.50). The study thus recommends that the ministry encourages a supportive environment, in which employees freely interact and trust their supervisors and where top management support exists in all activities.