Now showing items 175-194 of 310

      Mathematical methods for computing centrality measures based on powers of the adjacency matrix for large networks [1]
      A mathematical model for dynamic stochastic asset liability management of Uganda's retirement benefit schemes [1]
      A mathematical model for the transmission dynamics and optimal control strategy of Coffee Wilt disease [1]
      Mathematical Modelling of Harvesting of a Stage and Size - Structured Fish Population: the Case of African Catfish and Nile Tilapia [1]
      Mathematical Models for HIV-HCV Co-infection Dynamics under Various Control Strategies [1]
      Measurement and modeling of residual stress in porcelain tiles formulated from different quartz particle sizes in Uganda [1]
      Microbial contaminants in wild harvested and traded edible long-horned grasshopper, Ruspolia differens (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) in Uganda [1]
      Modeling precipitable water vapour using Global Navigation Satellite System data over the East African region [1]
      Modelling the severity of dual and co-Infection with malaria in populations with persistent and re-emerging Infections. [1]
      The molecular biology of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine drug resistance of plasmodium falciparum strains in Uganda [1]
      Molecular characterization and incidence of viruses affecting water melon and pumpkin production in Uganda. [1]
      Molecular phylogeny, taxonomy and distribution of Chlorophytum Ker-Gawl. (Asparagaceae) in Uganda [1]
      Molecular speciation of mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) from pulmonary TB patients in Southern regions of Ghana [1]
      The Morphic property in modules and near-rings [1]
      Morphological and molecular characterization of bivalves with respect to their diversity and distribution in Murchison Bay, Lake Victoria, Uganda [1]
      Morphometrics, growth and nutritional characterization of selected bivalves' species from Lake Victoria [1]
      Nitrosoamines and narcotic drugs in smokeless tobacco products sold on Kampala City markets [1]
      The numerical range of linear relations and stability theorems [1]
      Occurence and characterisation of root rot fungi infecting common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Rubirizi District, South-Western Uganda. [1]
      Occurrence of Pesticides Residues in Feeds, the Pond Environment and Farmed Fish. A case Study of Uasin Gishu County, Kenya [1]