Information sharing, adaptation, trust and commitment in buyer-supplier relationships in the Ugandan smes
In a business environment were firms are daily striving to achieve a competitive age commitment in buyer-supplier relationship is a requirement, this study was conducted to examine the relationship between information sharing , adaptation, trust and commitment in buyer-supplier relationships in the Ugandan SMEs. A quantative cross–sectional survey was conducted using a sample of 384 SMEs. In addition data was collected from 1 supplier firm for each of the SMEs, which meant that the researcher sought to get data from 384*2 SMEs from a population of 107,467.Data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire from the respondents. Overall 426 usable questionnaires were obtained. Correlation and regression analyses were used in data analysis. The results indicated a significant positive relationship between information sharing, adaptation, trust and commitment in buyer-supplier relationship. Further the results showed that information sharing, trust are significant predictors of commitment in buyer-supplier relationships while adaptation was not a significant predicator. In conclusion, it was vastly recommended that SMEs need to share relevant information in major transactions with each other and should incorporate attributes of trust like honesty, sincerity and others in their dealings with each other in order to achieve commitment in their relations.