Now showing items 5-24 of 98

      Affirmative action for women’s political participation and gender transformation in Uganda [1]
      Agency banking: a tool for economic empowerment of small and medium women entrepreneurs in Nakawa division, Kampala district [1]
      Assessing the effects of gender-based violence on economic status of women and men in households : a case study of Ibanda District [1]
      Assessing the influence of gender relations on agro- enterprise mixes among house holds reached by NARO funded project [1]
      Assessing the socio-economic status of child mothers and their children in Entebbe Municipality [1]
      An assessment of male and female contribution to household livelihood through crop production in Hoima City [1]
      Attitudes, perception and beliefs towards child marriage: a case study [of] Jinja City-Southern Division [1]
      Causes and effects of gender based violence on women at household level: A case of Masuliita Sub-county [1]
      Changing masculinities among Congolese male refugees living in urban Uganda: a case of Nsambya, Kampala [1]
      Child sexual abuse and situational context : children’s experiences in Post-Conflict Northern Uganda [1]
      Children’s experiences of gender based violence in Gasabo District Rwanda [1]
      Colonialism and gender relations: a case study of the Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom [1]
      Community perceptions of GBV interventions implemented by legal aid clinics in Kampala District : the case of Nakawa Division [1]
      The construction of exclusion of girls with disabilities in schools: A case study of Naguru Preparatory School [1]
      The contribution of the presidential initiative for skilling a girl child on women’s economic empowerment in Kampala District, Uganda [1]
      Cultural symbolism and representation of masculinities in kiga culture of Kanungu district, Uganda [1]
      Determinants of women’s enrolment in Uganda peoples defense forces: a case of Bombo barracks [1]
      Dual vulnerability: Batwa girls’ access to primary education in Rubanda district, Uganda [1]
      The effect of access to and utilization of microcredit on women economic empowerment : a case study of Katosbec SACCO in Kapchorwa District [1]
      Effectiveness of gender policies in the promotion of women leaders in universities: A case of Midlands State University, Zimbabwe. [1]