Now showing items 38-57 of 119

      Exploring the roles, core competences and training needs of middle-level academic managers for effective leadership at Makerere University [1]
      Fees payment and retention of undergraduate students at Makerere University [1]
      Financial policies and perceived quality of higher education among Makerere University students. [1]
      Graduate employability through vocationalisation of higher education in Uganda: A case of Kyambogo University Faculty of Vocational Studies [1]
      Human Resource Management Practices and Turnover Intentions of University Employees in Uganda [1]
      I stakeholders’ interventions in addressing the socioeconomic barriers to refugee women access to higher education: a case of Bidibidi Settlement in Northern Uganda [1]
      Implication of guidance & counselling services management for student retention in Uganda's universal Secondary Education. [1]
      Individual factors and organizational support as correlates of Research Productivity of lecturers in Islamic University in Uganda. [1]
      Influence of educational resources on the internal efficiency of secondary schools in Pallisa District, Eastern Uganda [1]
      Influence of Moral Aptitude on Academic Performance of the Undergraduate Students in School of Education Makerere University [1]
      Innovating university education: A book in honour of Makerere University’s 90 years of excellence 1922–2012 [1]
      Institutional and disciplinary perspectives of community transformation in Gulu University [1]
      Institutional Mergers and the Staffing Function: An Evaluation of Kyambogo University [1]
      Institutionalization of Responsible Conduct of research and graduate students’ perceptions about research Integrity in Makerere University. [1]
      Internationalization of higher education and the global citizenship of graduate students at Makerere University. [1]
      Job satisfaction and productivity of lecturers in Uganda Christian University, Mukono [1]
      Job satisfaction, supervisor support and organizational commitment as correlates of turnover of administrators in Makerere University [1]
      Knowledge management factors and knowledge sharing among academic staff of Makerere University [1]
      Leadership styles and motivation of teachers in selected government-aided secondary schools in Wakiso District, Uganda [1]
      Learning conditions and students’ academic achievements at university study centres: A study of Kamuli and Jinja centres of Busoga University [1]