Anti-denial of service algorithm for cognitive radio networks
In the last 10 to 15 years, wireless technologies has gone through a number of developments resulting into many innovations. The developments in wireless technologies is largely driven by unique consumer service models of; anywhere, anytime and any platform. Accordingly, these innovations are increasing demand for fixed spectrum causing a big challenge of spectrum management. These challenges, raised the need to development of new models of spectrum management to improve the efficient utilization of the scarce spectrum resource. Accordingly, approaches such Dynamic Spectrum Allocation and Cognitive Radio Networks have been developed to address the spectrum sharing challenge. Accordingly this, project focus on detecting and preventing denial of services amidst cognitive radio network users. This has observed as a key challenge in the adoption of cognitive radio network. This was achieved through the development of Anti-denial of service algorithm using reputation management scheme. The results of our scheme evaluation indicate that the scheme can improve the detection of malicious user behavior and prevent such users to access the transmission channel. In conclusion our Anti-Denial of Service Algorithm (ADSA) screens out selfish CRN users and PUE attackers to enable resource fair accessibility of the channel by legitimate users.