Community engagement in the management of public roads : a case of Mubende District
The purpose of the study was to examine on extent of community engagement in the management of public roads with reference to Mubende District. Qualitative data was collected from 16 respondents using purposive sampling technique. This study used a cross-sectional and narrative design to gain an in-depth understanding of the extent of community engagement in the management of public roads with reference to Mubende. Data source triangulation was employed to ensure accuracy, credibility and validity of data. Results indicate that creation of awareness, forming of committees, participation of stakeholders, involvement, proper planning and effective communication were the major community engagements practiced in the management of public roads in Mubende district. The study identified limited funds, corruption, carelessness of the community, limited equipment, embezzlement of funds, limited personnel, political influence, poor land terrain and limited office tenure by political leaders as the major challenges faced by community in the management of public roads in Mubende district. Results further indicate the strategies for improving community engagement such as more funding of the budget, continuous stakeholder engagement, sensitization of the community, managing of corruption, continuous monitoring and strengthening of road committees. Results are useful in policy formulation for example, the need by government to set up strong accounting procedures. Mubende political leaders need to sensitize community on road maintenance proagrammes, engage community in road maintenance and government need to increase on the funds for management of public roads in Mubende district.