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dc.contributor.authorSserulyo, Ignatious
dc.descriptionThe mural shows the Nyero rock paintings in Teso, characterized by concentric circles and zebras. This was ritual art, where hunters first drew an image of the animal they wanted to kill. It is presumed that through this, they would capture the spirit of the animal, dominate it and then kill it. The artist looked at Nyero rock paintings as a form of Art. He then looks at the Egyptians and Mesopotamia forms of writing, with the developments of papyrus. He traverses Ankole and looks at the Ankole traditional decorations and forms of writing among the Banyankole. The piece also includes developments of Aramaic writing for Hebrew and Arabic writing.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe art piece in EASLIS was part of the artist's Masters’ program and it is called the history of Book. Sserulyo showed no boundaries between design and sculpture and combined the decorative design aspects and paintery aesthetic qualities to give a detailed narrative of different writings. The mural shows the Nyero rock paintings in Teso, characterized by concentric circles and zebras. This was ritual art, where hunters first drew an image of the animal they wanted to kill. It is presumed that through this, they would capture the spirit of the animal, dominate it and then kill it. He looked at Nyero rock paintings as a form of Art. He then looks at the Egyptians and Mesopotamia forms of writing, with the developments of papyrus. He traverses Ankole and looks at the Ankole traditional decorations and forms of writing among the Banyankole. The piece also includes developments of Aramaic writing for Hebrew and Arabic writing.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipGovernment of Uganda, Makerere University Research and Innovations Funds (RIF) and Makerere University Library.en_US
dc.titleHistory of the book/ History of reading.en_US

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