The challenges faced by the community in the implementation of UPE in selected schools in Serere County
The study focused on Community participation m the implementation of Universal Primary Education. It analyzed the challenges faced by the Community in the implementation of UPE in selected schools in Serere County in Soroti District. Qualitative methods of data collection were used. In particular, in-depth interviews were conducted on a purposively selected sample.
To establish the level of awareness of its roles and responsibilities in the implementation of UPE, the study investigated and found out that the community is well aware of the roles and responsibilities they have to perform in the implementation of UPE.
The study also investigated and found out that community participation was enhanced by factors such as a friendly school administration, the existence of bye laws, committed and motivated mobilization structures like LC's, SMC and PTA Executives. Sensitisation and training further enhanced community participation. Adequate policy dissemination and deliberate involvement of the community provided a great opportunity for the implementation of UPE. In regard to monitoring of the use of UPE funds, the study found out that the level of community involvement is small and weak. Parents, local council, PT A and SMC involvement was limited. Apparently the only members involved in monitoring were the chairpersons of SMC and PTA. Illiteracy, lack of transparency and sometimes-deliberate exclusion were found to be part of the reasons why community involvement was limited. Where a large part of the community was involved, this was attributed largely to a good working relationship with the Head Teacher. The aspect of financial monitoring needs improvement from District to school level.
In examining the contribution of the community towards school construction, the study established that communities make a lot of input by way of local materials, labour, construction of temporary structures. The community also monitors construction to a small extent.
Finally, the study explored the challenges and constraints faced by the community in the implementation of UPE. It was found that poverty, illiteracy and lack of facilitation for the community structures, and poor health were the major constraints. These constraints were found to be cross cutting in all areas of UPE implementation.
The study recommends UPE policy review to address management issues, stakeholder involvement and improvement m the quality of Education. Functional Adult literacy, economic empowerment, improved Health service delivery are among other issues recommended for the improvement of community participation in the implementation of UPE.