The role of synergies in development: a study of consortia for youth skills development in Wakiso district
Working in a consortium is a form of synergy currently utilised by organisations to provide practical solutions to complex real world problems though is often met with challenges like poor leadership, inability to set clear goals, limited technology among others. The study sought to determine the contribution of consortia in skills development for youth in Wakiso district. A descriptive cross-sectional design that was largely qualitative with some aspects of quantitative approach was employed. This design was adopted because it allowed for comparisons of different variables on the contribution of consortia for skills development at a single point in time as well as gaining further understanding through in-depth interviews from experts in consortium engagement.
The study results showed 61% males and 39% females directly benefited from the skills training implying a gain in interest among females in skills training within urban settings whereas 40% females had decision-making responsibilities within their respective organisations. Consortium challenges like difference in management styles, unmatched skills, negative perception of VTI and benefits like reaching a wider coverage, advocacy and ability to meet basic need (82%) were identified as socio-economic returns to beneficiaries. In conclusion, the following pertinent considerations are required to determine the contribution of consortia in skills development sector; thorough risk assessment, utilization of adaptive management which is essential for stream lining overlapping responsibilities among consortium members as well as active involvement of private sector to ensure the relevance and quality of training for minimizing skills mismatches.