Assessment of records management practices at All Saints Cathedral, Kampala
A study was carried out to assess records management practices at All Saints Cathedral, Kampala. The objectives of the study were; To establish the existing church records at ASCK; to find out how church records are managed at ASCK; to identify the challenges of church records management at ASCK; to make suggestions for the best church records management practices at ASCK. The study purposefully selected (5) clergy, (11) Heads of Departments, (2) administrators and (2) secretaries as respondents during data collection. The total sample in this study was 20 respondents. Data was collected using non-participatory observation, interviews and documentary review. The study revealed that the types of records at ASCK included; Sacramental records (Marriage records, Baptism records, and Confirmation records), Cathedral Registers, Legal records, Financial records, Human Resource records, Building and Construction records, Cathedral Annual Reports, Announcement Books, Worship and Arts, and artefacts like liturgical vestments, souvenirs and trophies. At ASCK, each office or department kept its own records and were in custody of staff that occupy those offices. Most of the records were seen squeezed and stuffed in boxes, folders and shelves. Others were on top of tables and old cupboards. The study established that was no Records officer at ASCK, there was no records officer nor a Records Registry. There were no policies in place governing records management and there were no resources allocated to records management on the Cathedral Annual Budget. There was also inadequate and insufficient records storage space at ASCK. This study made recommendations to ASCK Management and Staff addressing the aforementioned challenges which included; Recruitment of a Records officer and training staff in Records Management, establishment of a Cathedral Registry or Archive, developing policies and procedures to govern the Records management program, ensuring there is an offsite storage facility, backing up all records, developing a disaster preparedness plan, and developing a retention & Disposal Manual.